California: 2012 UI, ETT and SDI Rates, PIT Withholding Schedules, and Meals and Lodging Values

2012 UI, ETT, and SDI Rates

The UI rate schedule in effect for 2012 is Schedule “F+.” This is Schedule F plus a 15 percent emergency surcharge, rounded to the nearest tenth. Schedule “F+” provides for UI contribution rates from 1.5 percent to 6.2 percent. Exception: Employers subject to Section 977(c) of the CUIC must pay at the highest rate provided by law plus an additional 2 percent, see SUTA Dumping (AB 664). The taxable wage limit is $7,000 per employee.

2012 PIT Withholding Schedules

2012 Meals and Lodging Values

Tax rates and taxable wage limits for the last several years are listed on Tax Rates, Wage Limits, and Value of Meals and Lodging (DE 3395)
