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The Form 5500 Annual Report is the primary source of information about the operations, funding and investments of approximately 800,000 retirement and welfare benefit plans. The datasets below are the raw, unedited data from all of the Form 5500 and Form 5500-SF filings for each year, including the data reported in the various schedules.

Click here for Free Erisa Form 5500/5500-SF Filing Search

  • The Plan Name, Sponsor Name, and Plan Administrator fields search automatically using wildcards to the right of your search term. If you are not sure of the exact plan name you would like to search for, type in the first four letters, and the automatic wildcard will pull possible options beginning with those letters. For example, typing “Widg” in the Plan Name field below will retrieve filings for all plan names that begin with the letters “Widg”, such as “Widget Company.” At least four letters must be entered into these fields when performing a search.
  • Fields other than Plan Name, Sponsor Name, and Plan Administrator do not use wildcards. Only exact matches are displayed for these other fields.